Tax Service for unincorporated business
General information
IRD normally issue tax return to all unincorporated business include sole proprietorship and partnership.

Sole proprietorship - Only individual tax return will be issued. Tax payer has to fill in the profits tax column in tax return with major financial information, together with profit and loss account, balance sheet and profits tax computations.

Partnership - Company tax return will be issued. Same as sole proprietorship, company has to filed tax return with profit and loss account, balance sheet and profits tax computations.

Tax payer may do the accounts and tax filing themselves. Nevertheless, a layman without taxation knowledge may be filing a false return, which can lead to extra tax payable. Some tax payer even breaches tax rules due to omissions of some tax items. Our professional knowledge and experience in tax field can assist you doing it in an efficient way.

Service fee
  Sole proprietorshipHK$1,800 up

PartnershipHK$2,000 up

(Note:You have to prepare major financial figures of your Company)

What you will be received
Profits and loss account, balance sheet, tax computations and duly completed tax return copy in Chinese-and-English version.

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